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Prodotti di qualità,ideali per mantenere puliti,igienizzati e sanificati gli ambienti domestici.Articoli che garantiscono elevate performace,basso impatto ambientale ed un prezzo competittivo.

Prodotti di qualità,ideali per mantenere puliti,igienizzati e sanificati gli ambienti domestici.Articoli che garantiscono elevate performace,basso impatto ambientale ed un prezzo competittivo.

Quality products,indispensable for keeping home environments clean,sanitized and hygienic.Made to ensure high performance and limited environmental impact.

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A specific line and the goal of maintaining perfect hygiene in all environments where public and private professional activities take place.Tested,certified and environmentally friendly items,offer maximum coverage against contamination by bacteria and viruses.

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An articulated proposal of disposable and multipurpose clothing for protection in the workplace.The offer is aimed at those who need to protect all parts of the body exposed to contamination,ensuring hygienic and safe conditions.

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Tissue paper products for all uses.The convenience of single-use to ensure the highest level of hygiene in all conditions Certified products in line with our "green" philosophy and conforming to the protocols imposed by international environmental protection and safeguard regulations.

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Useful and comfortable disposable linens suitable and usable in all circumstances where quick room rearrangement and light baggage tourism are required

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